Sunday, August 18, 2019

Days 12, 13, 14


The weekend is about over, which is sad, except that it was a nutty, kind of stressful weekend. But let's focus on the health stuff -
Friday I overslept, and I did not work out, and then I was going to classics book club straight after, so there was no time for a workout then, either. I did drink my shakes, walked a lap or two around the building and parking lot every hour, so all went swimmingly, until I got to book club, where I proceeded to ingest 3/4 of a jar of queso with chips. It tasted outstanding, but holy indigestion, I felt like hell.

Saturday I had a wedding to attend in Columbus. I walked in the morning, and it felt like a freaking rainforest, it was so hot and muggy. I drank a shake before I left, and did not really overindulge on wedding food, but I was hungry on my way home, like stomach growling, I want a Big Mac hungry. I did not get a Big Mac, but we did stop at McDonalds and I got food, but I did not eat all of it. Today I did ok food-wise, and I did a yoga workout, which felt good.

All in all, it was not a great weekend, food-wise or brain-wise, I'm not going to let it derail me. This week I meet with a personal trainer at the gym, and I have a meeting with the dietitian.

I also have reviews every day this week. Have I mentioned how much I hate doing these? There are a lot of parts of management I enjoy - I love the feeling of hiring a great new team member, I like my staff to feel I am on their side, and I will always go to bat for them, hopefully helping them find their way in the organization - I'm definitely a nurturer, all the way. I hate reviews. I don't excel at disciplining my own children, let alone women (or men) my own age. And they are so restrictive, and I hate corporate language. I've probably gone far enough to explain my hatred for this process, and worst of all, these are only the mid-year reviews. It's much worse for end of year.

In other words, I'm not exactly going into the week with a great attitude. But I will do my damndest to control what I can, and to get these reviews over with as painlessly as possible, right?

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