Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day 10

Today was the first day of school. Unlike my children, I always loved the first day of school, and I mean back when I was a student, not just as a parent. It always felt more like the beginning of the year than January - new classes, new kids, new teachers, clean slate. My manchild is out of school, but my girl still has two years left, and she is not pleased about it, which breaks my heart, just a bit. Anyway, it meant I went to work a little late, so my eating was actually just fine today, thank you - my normal hot cocoa shake mixed with my coffee for breakfast, no morning snacks at all, and I tried the tortilla soup mixed with a little salsa for lunch, and that was actually pretty good. It's still me mixing powder and water, but it tastes less like chemicals than the shakes, so that is a good thing. I had a piece of fruit and my little bag of popcorn for my afternoon snack, and my prepped salad for dinner. My one downfall today - one of the event managers gave each of us a bag of dark chocolate covered salted caramels as a thank you. There is only one thing I love more than dark chocolate, and that is dark chocolate covered salted caramels. OH my they are good. I did have more than my allotted one today, but I did stop at three - which is way too many, but oh. They were good. Tomorrow it is back to one, darn it. These babies will last me until the next event.

Exercise - I did not plan, which is never a good thing. I overslept, and I really did not want to go to the gym...then I remembered I had a pair of capris in the car. I work across the street from the Blue Ash Rec Center, and the Blue Ash Nature Park runs behind that - so I walked over there and walked the trails. Not a terribly long walk, especially since I didn't exactly know which way to go, but I got a good 30 minutes in, and ended with some lunges, inchworms, and planks. Not a bad workout, and I didn't feel nearly as crappy sitting in the car for the next hour. I'll have to remember that, and start just keeping my gym bag packed in my car, just in case.

So yup, all in all a good, productive day. I'm going to go repack my work tote and gym bag, and then go play with the ferrets. I got the cutest freaking picture of them all snuggled up together last night:
Oh my goodness, they are such muffins.

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