Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Day 16 - and I shook my moneymaker

My plan was to go to the gym after work today, so I packed my bag, but one of my coworkers told me about a place she goes to do Zumba, and that the first three classes are free, and I saw they had a class at 5:30...I haven't done Zumba in ages. It was good fun, although a major storm came through right before, and they had no power! But the speaker had a battery, and there was some light coming through the windows, so we Zumba'd in the dark. Which worked well, since I haven't gone in a long time, and I didn't know any of their routines, so I was definitely not at my Zumba best. Having no power also meant no A/C, so I worked up a respectable sweat, and I was not alone.

I prepped chicken in the crockpot this morning, so I had food for dinner - cut up some cucumber and tomato from my garden, nuked some little yellow potatoes, it was tasty. Snacks today were restricted to a nectarine, 2 cups of Skinny Pop, and 1/2 cup of blueberries, so I am definitely on point with the calories - and I tracked it all, so go me! I also updated all my Nerd Fitness Epic Quests (another challenge :) and I added 2 minutes of meditation daily. I really feel I need to get back to this - my brain has been pretty scatty, like a squirrel on meth, and it's not pretty when I'm trying to accomplish something. You would think the daily exercise would help, and it does, to a point, but I just feel like I need to find my center again. And I'm starting with 2 minutes, such a small part of my day to hopefully build another healthy habit.

Maybe it will help me find my little hoop I wear in my top hole that I stuck in my gym bag last week and cannot find, for crap's sake, and it is very irritating!

Breathing. See? I need meditation. Today I found myself commenting snarkily on someone's conservative comment on someone else's Facebook feed. I tend to abstain from snarky political comments, as I really do not care to engage on social media when I can't trust myself to know enough to argue intelligently, but I did it! See, meditation will help me to think before I type!

I enjoy guided meditations very much. My brother gave me a series of lectures and meditations called "The Science of Mindfulness" by Dr. Ron Siegel, and he is really pretty brilliant.

That's him. Isn't he adorable?

These two minutes will be a basic seated meditation, focus on the breath, feel the body, allow myself to acknowledge thoughts and let them go...I'll move on from there.

Another thing that will help my brain? Sleep. Have a restful night, and a pleasant morrow.

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