Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day 6

Oh, glorious Saturday.
And a lovely way to spend it, beginning with an hour of yoga with one of my favorite people at one of my favorite places. If you live in the Cincinnati area and you enjoy yoga, I cannot recommend World Peace Yoga enough. It is such a welcoming place, and the energy there is soothing. My body was asking for coffee, the way I like it, so I treated myself to a bagel and cream cheese with coffee, and more importantly, a long, winding, and relaxing conversation with my friend. After dropping her off, I stopped by Great Clips and had 4 inches cut off my ponytail, as it was starting to annoy me, and came home.

The rest of the day has been spent alternating cleaning, reading, and chilling with my guy. Laundry has been done, and stuff has been moved out of my house. I planned to get some weeding done, and it did not, but darn it, I've really enjoyed this day. And next...I made enchiladas for dinner...MELTY CHEESE for the win!

Tomorrow morning I'm meeting friends to walk at the arboretum - another lovely way to start the day. Food prep, bathroom cleaning, more laundry, and cat box tending shall be done, as it will be very hot, calling for an indoors day.

I really would like to get to my enchiladas and book, so I am going to cut it short today. Only know, I am feeling really great right now. All the exercise and the better nutrition has really made a huge difference a very short time. Please remind me of this as I start to slip off the wagon 😋

Ok, short post calls for fun health-related meme stolen from the internet - let me go look, hold up:

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