I woke up early and walked 30 minutes. I almost didn't. Oh friends, I looked at the 5:19 burning my eyes and seriously considered rolling over and going back to sleep, but my logical self spoke up, "Hey! You will only get 30 more minutes of sleep, which won't do much, but if you walk, you will have self-respect, and there is nothing better." I couldn't argue with that self.
Also, I had to pee.
I did, however, catch myself eating out of boredom today. Ugh, that is a bad habit, and an unfortunate problem. Two hour virtual meetings do not lend themselves to excitement. I had a few Werthers and a few cups of Skinny Pop before I smacked my own hand. Otherwise, not too bad - drank my shakes, ate 2 plums, and a big bowl of cucumbers and tomatoes with my chicken for dinner (a small drizzle of dressing, and 2 slices of fresh mozzarella. So good. My guy got me a box of Caramel Creme Rooibus tea - I believe I shall make a cup before bed.
I'm wicked sore - this is more movement than I've been used to in a while, so my lovely friend agreed to meet me for a very early Saturday morning yoga class, so that should help. What shall I do tomorrow?

At the beginning of the spring, my daughter started asking to adopt a pair of ferrets. When she was feeling down, she would watch videos of ferrets, and it would make her feel better. Apparently, they make excellent emotional support animals. She did a lot of research, found a ferret rescue in Indianapolis, and applied to adopt. After a few months, virtual home visits, a lot of decluttering, and plenty of ferret-proofing, we drove up to Indianapolis so she could pick her new babies. After several weeks of playing with them, I can see why they make good emotional support animals - they are sweet, and funny, and I love them. They are a little smelly, but it stays in her room, and as long as she cleans, they're not so bad. Musky. And if you follow me on Instagram, you'll see I take a lot of pictures of them. The little female (lighter color, smaller) is named Nessa, she's very playful, and she adores Paco. He can only take so much before he starts begging to be let out - she's a nipper. When my daughter picks her up, she gives kisses. It's precious. Trixter, the little bandit male, is snuggly and sweet, and funny. He's a little chunky, and very clumsy. I've become quite enamored of our new family members, which was a happy surprise - I was not expecting to like them this much.
So that's that. I have my tea now, and I am going to go read for a bit before bed. We'll chat tomorrow, have a good night.
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