Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Day of...oops, gotta charge my Fitbit

Hi, friends!

Almost a week goes by...better not fall back into old bad habits.

It was a lovely weekend - I walked with one friend on Saturday, and another on Sunday. I cleaned, a lot, which did make me feel a little more energetic. And I took Monday off to take my mom to the doctor, which meant I was able to go to the gym Monday morning, and get some other things done. Ooh, and for my sister's birthday, we went to see It 2, which was...ok. Not as good as the first chapter, which I thought they did a great job on. Bill Hader was great, though. My guy and I watched the Daily Show interview with him the night before, and now we are going to watch Barry, because it looks interesting, and every couple needs a show, right?

There was a lot more gross going on in this movie, which actually is pretty on par with the book, but I don't love movies that depend a lot on gross. What I did love, however, was the ongoing joke throughout the book that those of you who read it will get and nobody else will. Even Stephen King was in on it. This elicited a grin from me more than once.

Also, the last time I read the book, I was outside at one point right after a storm, and the next door neighbor kid was looking down a storm drain, and I told him that if someone started talking to him from down there, he should run away, especially if that someone had a balloon. He thought I was crazy, but I thought it was freaking hilarious. This happens in the movie, and I laughed out loud, especially since his older brother was sitting next to me at the movie.

It was awesome.

Oh, yeah, so last night was a weigh in. I was a little worried, as I've been struggling a bit with my choices this last week.

Last week: 276 lb 6.4 oz
This week: 276 lb 1.6 oz
Loss:  4.8 oz

Not awesome, but not a gain, either.
I went to the gym today, my food choices have been pretty decent the past two days. Today's lunch was a potluck, and I did partake, but I did not stuff myself. I plan to walk tomorrow, and make the good choices. I need to remember my Fitbit is charging, as we are in the middle of a steps challenge this week, and how do I count without my Fitbit, right?!

Alright, so that's all I have for tonight - have a spectacular evening!

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