1. Aggravation: this game was responsible for teaching my son to count. As they get older they learn to use strategy - especially if they are uber-competitive like my freak husband, who makes it his goal to knock as many people's marbles out as possible, regardless of whether he gets his marbles home or not.
2. Uno and Skipbo: Colors, numbers and matching. You can take the deck anywhere. And it's just good fun.
3. Scrabble and Scrabble Jr.: Really self explanatory. Probably the most played games here.
4. Yahtzee: Serious numbers and counting practice. Way to practice different combinations of numbers.
5. The Garden Game: I think this one is only available online, but it is a very cool and educational game. My dad got it for Monkeybutt's birthday 5 years ago when he showed an interest in gardening, and not only is it fun, but we have learned a ton. Composting, pests vs. beneficial animals, earth stewardship...there is so much to be learned. If you can find it, get it. I will say, though, it's a lot easier if your opponent can read - otherwise you spend a lot of time reading the cards aloud.
We've played Candyland, Life, Chutes and Ladders, etc. as well as one of the 6 different Trivial Pursuits (in teams, obviously) plenty of times, but these are the games we keep pulling out over and over. Give some of these a try - I'll bet your kids will surprise you by how smart they are and how much fun they can be.
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