Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I've been totally grouching this week, but now I'm over it and feeling all happy and ready to be sappy. And I took a bunch of pictures today. Which is always fun.
This week, I am thankful for:

1. A great weekend. The Girl-child and I visited family in Chicago last weekend. My baby brother will be shipping out to Iraq soon, so we went to see him and his family before he goes. Saturday we hung out with all the Chicago-based family, and had a really nice time. I got to know my nephew a little better, which was lovely. The next day we all had breakfast, and then we went to visit friends I haven't seen in years. A truly excellent weekend.
2. Green. Have I mentioned how much I love the color green? Most of today was rather gray and dreary, and pretty freaking miserable, but check out these sweet baby spring leaves:

3. Things that make me giggle. I was watching 30 Rock tonight, and Jack tells Kenneth he wishes he could see the world through his eyes. Then they show Jack through Kenneth's eyes: as a Muppet, singing about how innocent it must be. Hehee.

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