Eddy and Finnegan, mortal enemies, have called a brief truce.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wild Kingdom
Eddy and Finnegan, mortal enemies, have called a brief truce.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Favorite Spot
Friday, March 27, 2009
Girl + Camera
Self Portrait. Always a lot of pictures of Finn
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
So here's my quandary: am I thrilled that my daughter prefers decent and interesting music (while not a fan, I can appreciate the musical talent and brilliant lyrics that were a hallmark of Cash's style) over the High School Musical and Hannah Montana carp that other girls her age love? Or am I concerned that my daughter knows every word to a song about an all-consuming love that leaves the lover a burnt out husk?
At least she's not singing gansta-rap.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins

I've seen this done elsewhere, so I decided to try it for myself.
1. When I look to the left, I see a mess.
2. My kitchen is the room that has the best view in my home. I can sit at the table and look at my flowers, or stare at my neighbors.
3. Let it work. I think this often.
4. Psychological analysis done dirt cheap! (I'll keep my fees down just for you.)
5. Stewardship (of the earth and her inhabitants) is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.
6. If you have any money, presents, chocolate, friendly words feel free to share with me.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing the Watchmen, tomorrow my plans include a workshop in Lexington and Sunday, I want to workout, clean, relax and read!
Happy Friday!
Monday, March 9, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009
And I MISSED It...
Oh well. I'll just have to do my own green week, darn it. Maybe next week.
I've been slowly but surely tackling small hurdles in the very large project of cleaning out my garage. Or at least getting it to the point where I can see what I need to organize. The other day I (finally) cleaned out the bin I defrosted my turkey in. From Thanksgiving. Scrubbed and Lysoled and stored it in my basement. Yesterday I decided to tackle the box of pictures from my grandparents' house that sis#2 gave me (ahem, 3 years ago) to put in some order so she could scan them all. I had all my picture sorting supplies gathered - photo safe boxes, pen, note cards...and I found one layer of half-full brag books, mostly pretty new pictures, just from the few years before they died. So I dig down further, find a box full of letters and cards - again from the last few years. One box within the box left - and this one held 2 very old Arliss cameras, 2 photo albums (one of my grandmother's childhood in Sweden, one of her aunt's young adult years), Grandma's high school diploma, report cards, yearbook, and my father's baby book. What treasures! My son was fascinated ("what's 'shorthand'?") to look at the report cards, and when he questioned a few of the grades, I had to explain that she had only just come over from Sweden right before high school. English was a second language for her. I had to pack a lot of it up for my dad, but I feel very lucky just to have been able to look through it all.
Speaking of Sweden, and more specifically, Swedish words, in perusing more blogs (I swear, they are my crack), I came across a particularly charming and useful word I plan to incorporate into my life and lingo: the word is "fika," pronounced "feeka," and it means to go out for coffee, or have coffee (or some other beverage, and perhaps a treat), and chat, with friends. What a lovely place, to have one word to describe that particular happy occupation so simply.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Random bits and giggles...
Both cars are sick right now. Luckily, one is less so than the other, so I took the Saturn to the shop yesterday. The water pump needs to be replaced, and the shop we generally use does not have the "tool" to "hold back the cams", so we had to bring it elsewhere. Today, elsewhere called to tell me there is a second, much worse leak under the manifold, which will cost an additional buttload of cash. Sigh. Hopefully car #1 will be back tomorrow, so I can bring car #2 to the shop to sort out the bizarre clunky, groany noise it's been making...
Girl Child and I went to a women's basketball game at NKU on Saturday. We had a great time, and she informed me that basketball is her favorite sport. NKU won, hoorah!
I feel cold, constantly lately, which kind of sucks.
I haven't had any photos developed lately, so I haven't scrapped in weeks. How very sad.
I have a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallow fluff waiting for me upstairs. I must go wrap myself in a blanket and savor. G'nite.