And in that spirit, I am going to share with you my very favorite Christmas cookie recipe, handed down from my late, beloved, Grandma S. These are the very easiest cookies you will ever make, but they are oh so tasty.
Nighty-Night Cookies
2 eggs, separated (discard the yolks, or use them for something else.)
2/3 cup sugar
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375. Beat the egg whites until foamy, slowly add sugar. Continue beating until stiff. Fold in chocolate chips (last night I used dark chocolate...heaven.) Drop by Tbsp (I use a T scoop) onto foil-lined cookie sheets. Place in oven, turn oven off. Leave in there overnight - at least 8 hours. DO NOT open oven until done.
Yum. You'll like them. Now go enjoy your family.
I am off to Peoria and Chicago for a week, and will likely not be back online until I get back. Have a fabulous New Years!
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