I hope you've been enjoying your week. I am 14 days into this workout every day challenge, and still going. Sunday I add a new aspect to this challenge - a "Jumpstart" program at the kickboxing gym I love. Two boot camps a week, and a nutrition support group, which I soooooo need. Apparently, part of the challenge is a sugar detox, which sounds so not glorious, but I really do need to back off the sugar a bit. Guys. I like my sugar. I do not know what this will look like, but as long as they do not force me to eat (or shudder, cook) fish every day, I can handle it. I do like scientifically based nutrition, though, so let's hope they don't start spouting a bunch of "my mama's cousin cured her diabetes with this diet" nonsense. I'm already a little nervous about the "detox" name, but I will keep an open mind. I definitely work harder when someone else tells me what to do, and this is only 6 weeks.
So, like I said, this is at the kickboxing gym I love, and I really want to start going again. I also have wanted a heavy bag of my own for a few years now, but I never wanted to buy one for myself. You all know I do that Reddit gift exchange every year, and several of the years I've gotten cat gift after cat gift, but this year! Dudes! They got me my heavy bag! My brother helped me set it up in the basement, and I worked out on it this morning!
That is my hand, in my glove, not actually punching, but you get the idea! |
Only problem - last night I did jogging intervals on the treadmill, and damn, if my knees weren't killing me today. Like, my thighs and butt have been super sore the past 2 weeks, but my knees were hurting again, which is what made me quit kickboxing in the first place. So I went pretty easy today, alternating between punching and kicking and using the stationary bike, just to get moving. But I am really for sure going to have to get some weight off before I can do more high impact stuff. Last night I weighed in and it was pretty bad - I gained almost a pound this past week. I've mentioned that weight loss for its own sake is not why I'm working; I just want to be able to do the things I want to do for a long time to come. This body will never look good in a bikini again, but it will damn well be kickboxing again before my next birthday.
So...planning. Food prep. Writing it down (ugh). Smoothies. And, apparently, a sugar "detox."
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