Monday, December 13, 2010

Some fun recent stuff

We did some ice skating recently. Few falls happened. Here are some pictures:

Today the temperature was below 20. This is the first time since I've lived here that it has gotten this cold this early. This is winter as I know it - cold and nasty. That doesn't mean I like it.
I had a very bizarre job interview on Friday. I waited 2 hours to talk to someone for 15 minutes. It was a very interesting job, but the fact that they forgot about me probably does not bode well for my chances. I really think that while I would certainly do that job justice, the guy was looking for someone younger and more willing to jump at his command.
I got my hair cut on Saturday. I had them cut 6" off. I am loving it. They also waxed my eyebrows. That was my first time - I was a waxing virgin. Totally worth it - I love the look.
Why on earth am I listening to Bill O'Reilly?
My husband has asked me to try making turtle candies. He loves them, and I've never made caramel from scratch. So I've decided to take my happily empty Saturday, buy a bottle of wine, and work on caramel-making. And maybe some baking. I haven't done any baking this year, a fact that embarrasses me. I always bake this time of year. And I have not made many of my gifts this year.
I started a new knitting project yesterday. The Girl asked for a scarf of her own. I made myself stop after casting on 25, which will make an actual scarf, rather than a massive, 3 skein wrap. And I'm attempting to stripe it, which is quite the endeavor for me. I'll have to find a YouTube to teach me to purl next - the husband called me a one-trick pony since I can only make one thing.
Well, it's time to burrow under a blanket with a hot chocolate and a book. Have a happy wintery evening.

1 comment:

Donna said...

knitting would either have made my hands stay more limber, or caused them to deteriorate faster....either way if I'd stuck with learning how I'd surely have some cool things to show for it by now...maybe some things similar to what you're making...or the ability to tell you how to do the stripes.

Baking...turtles...not the easiest things to start with, but not scary hard either...lately people have been taking that short cut with pretzels, pecans and Rolos