I'm not exactly hip. Generally, by the time I start loving something, most of you have already enjoyed and moved on. But this blog is here for me to share, so I guess it doesn't matter.
1. Dr. House. Yeah, my brother has me hooked on yet another show. The show is not lacking in adorable eye candy, but Hugh Laurie...with his acerbic wit, his deep voice (how great is his American accent!), his way with children...le sigh.
2. The pool. My dad got us a membership to our local pool. Not a waterpark, with slides and graduated depth, but a pool, like what we had when we were kids, with a deep end and a diving board. The girl-child started the summer not being able to swim at all, and has, in the past two weeks, learned the crawl stroke, how to jump off the diving board...she's passed all the swimming tests needed to swim anywhere in the pool. And my Monkeybutt has learned to dive. My brother takes them almost everyday. Most times I go, too. Today was a little too cold for me, though.
3. A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenburg. Such a lovely book. I almost don't want it to end.
4. Transformers. Ok, so the plot was a little lacking. But it's so cool watching them transform. So cool.
5. Watermelon. I just love watermelon. But only the kind with seeds. The seedless is not nearly as sweet.
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