However, yesterday I walked outside and noticed my neighbor had put a "McCain/Palin" sign in her front yard. This is a person I care about, have fun with, listen to. But I saw that sign and I got mad. "How dare she put a sign in her yard, on my street, for a candidate I don't want!" I was irritated for about 5 minutes...until I took a step back and thought about why I felt that way. I have many Republican friends, friends who plan to vote for McCain, who are intelligent and interesting people. For that matter, at the heart of things, we even tend to agree on a lot of issues. Unfortunately, I have spent time reading political discussions where people have made hateful accusations (accusations that were addressed and proved wrong months ago) against my favored candidate, spread nasty rumors, and acted just plain stupid. And we're only talking 5 or 6 people here, folks, and I'm judging an entire group of people based on a few idiots. The media goes back and forth, lashing us with irrelevant details and constant hateful rhetoric like so many limp, sticky spaghetti noodles. I buy into this crap, and judge my neighbor harshly for having the gall to choose the candidate she likes best and agrees with. I happen to be proud of living in a nation where we can choose someone to lead us who stands for what we believe in - who am I to make that decision for anyone else?
So I chilled. And smiled and waved at my neighbor, while mentally kicking my husband for being a Republican. My own fair nature won't allow me to post an Obama/Biden sign in the front yard we share. The bumper of my fair mini van is another story, however...

Good for you. I am currently working on researching the candidates to decide who I will vote for...
tai iwin - iwin - tai game iwin
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