I've seen a bunch of movies in the past few weeks. Both at the theater and on DVD. Here's what I thought:
Ironman: Really freaking cool. Best superhero movie I've seen. And I've seen a lot. Admittedly, I kept waiting for Robert Downey, Jr. to stop and ingest some form of chemical (sorry RDJ), but he was just a really cool superhero. Honestly - it was fantastic. Go see it.
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: Eh. It was ok. Great effects and whatnot, and I loved the first movie. This one was a bit lacking. I hated the ending. But Prince Caspian was hhhhot.
Get Smart: Very funny. Now I was not expecting the television show, people, just a funny movie with Steve Carrell. And that's what I got. I enjoyed this one.
Stardust (DVD): Wow! How on earth did I miss this one? Great movie. Great cast. Two thumbs up, friends, and my kids loved it too - both the 11 year old boy and the 5 1/2 year old girl. Go rent it. Or buy it.
Semi Pro (DVD): I giggled in some spots. But I wasn't expecting great film here.
Grandma's Boy (DVD): I had never even heard of this one. My studmuffin stuck it in last night saying his coworker had recommended it. Seeing as his coworker is an engineer from Ohio, I wasn't expecting a good movie. And it wasn't. A good movie, I mean. But it was entertaining. Grandma's Boy was done by Adam Sandler's company, Happy Madison, and the cast consisted of all relative unknowns from all the Adam Sandler films (the main character was his best friend in Wedding Singer). Grandma was played by Ray's mom in Everybody loves Raymond (Doris Roberts?) Anyway, this was a definite guy movie - lots of pot smoking, video games, bodily functions, and sex...or wishing for sex. The guys are video game testers, after all. Yeah, so basic synopsis: main character is 36 year-old pothead video game tester, kicked out of his apartment (by Rob Schneider)for not paying rent (his roommate spent the rent money at a "house of ill repute".) He goes to live with his grandmother and her two female roommates (Shirley Knight and Shirley Jones, you know, the Partridge family mom?) In the meantime, his company hires a lovely female consultant to help release their game on time. The geeky genius guy with a tendancy to talk like a robot (he was actually pretty great - played by Joel David Moore, funny as heck) who actually designs the games tries to woo the lovely consultant chick...My favorite guy is the drug dealer named Dante who befriends a bushman and Chinese martial arts expert. Anyway, the movie is not smart, and kind of gross at times, but it was...enjoyable. I couldn't really turn away, for some reason.
Ok, so that's it for movie reviews this month. I have kids to put to bed.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I need to be cleaning right now. A lot. We have our Texas friends due to arrive here for a week's stay in 4 hours...and I'm sitting here blogging in order to put off the cleaning. My daughter is sitting here whining and crying and really just driving me insane. Lalalalalala...
And now, for your viewing pleasure:

Friday, June 13, 2008
A great new childcare option for northern Kentucky!

My good friend Tiffany has been working on this really cool project, and it has just opened - Skidaddles is a drop-in daycare; a safe and fun place to leave your kids whether you are going to work or just out to dinner. It is something we don't have here, and it is something we need, as this is a very transient area and not everybody has family in the area. I brought my daughter to check it out last week, and there is so much to do. There is a theater area, dress up, games and books, arts and crafts, Wii and computer stations - and it is so colorful and fun, I wanted to move in. There will even be a preschool curriculum - a place to learn and have fun!
Skidaddles opened this past Wednesday! I am just so excited for Tiffany - she has worked extremely hard for this, and it is so very cool. I hope anyone in the area in need of a facility like this checks it out.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Catching Up Part II: Let the ennui begin
To quote the immortal Alice Cooper, "school's out for summer." Of course, Mr. Cooper, along with most of America's children, sang these lyrics with glee. I do not. I happen to like school. I like my kids being in school. I like the few hours a week I get alone while my children are in school. We have only just finished our second day of summer break, and I have heard the complaints, "we're bored", "you never take us to the pool", and "are we ever going to do anything fun?" The last I answered with a definitive "no!"
As most of you know, both of my children will be starting pretty major years in August, which means we had to face "graduations." I know many who agree with me when I say, how freaking ridiculous is it that we celebrate "graduations" with ceremonies for the end of preschool and 5th grade. The preschool that we went to didn't do so badly, actually, they sang a few songs, got little certificates, and went on their merry way. My neighbor actually had to purchase a cap and gown for her little 5 year-old cherub to march down the aisle in.
The 5th grade "ceremony" was cheesy beyond belief. They had an airplane theme, and they ushered the 5th graders in with the lights off, using those orange flashlights they use to direct planes on the tarmac. They announced each segment as a flight attendant or pilot announces flight information. All awards were given to girls. They ended the event with a slide show (which was little more than flashing the kids' school pictures up on the gym wall to music), set to music from "High School Musical" and Hannah Montana. I will discuss my desire to maim somebody everytime I am subjected to cutesy bubblegum pop music sung by teeny boppers at another time. I did, however, rejoice when I caught my son rolling his eyes at the beginning of "We're All in This Together". My son has some musical taste, thankfully.
At any rate, Monkeybutt is now out of elementary school, and looking forward to middle school. Miss Girl Child is anxiously awaiting August, and the beginning of elementary school. Honestly, so am I. I think, though, once we get past this initial week, the summer should prove a bit more enjoyable. We have bestest friends coming to visit from Texas, Monkeybutt has camp, both kids have golf and other activities...and I INTEND to instill routines and learning opportunities in our lives this summer. If anyone has any ideas to help me with this, I will gladly welcome them.
As most of you know, both of my children will be starting pretty major years in August, which means we had to face "graduations." I know many who agree with me when I say, how freaking ridiculous is it that we celebrate "graduations" with ceremonies for the end of preschool and 5th grade. The preschool that we went to didn't do so badly, actually, they sang a few songs, got little certificates, and went on their merry way. My neighbor actually had to purchase a cap and gown for her little 5 year-old cherub to march down the aisle in.
The 5th grade "ceremony" was cheesy beyond belief. They had an airplane theme, and they ushered the 5th graders in with the lights off, using those orange flashlights they use to direct planes on the tarmac. They announced each segment as a flight attendant or pilot announces flight information. All awards were given to girls. They ended the event with a slide show (which was little more than flashing the kids' school pictures up on the gym wall to music), set to music from "High School Musical" and Hannah Montana. I will discuss my desire to maim somebody everytime I am subjected to cutesy bubblegum pop music sung by teeny boppers at another time. I did, however, rejoice when I caught my son rolling his eyes at the beginning of "We're All in This Together". My son has some musical taste, thankfully.
At any rate, Monkeybutt is now out of elementary school, and looking forward to middle school. Miss Girl Child is anxiously awaiting August, and the beginning of elementary school. Honestly, so am I. I think, though, once we get past this initial week, the summer should prove a bit more enjoyable. We have bestest friends coming to visit from Texas, Monkeybutt has camp, both kids have golf and other activities...and I INTEND to instill routines and learning opportunities in our lives this summer. If anyone has any ideas to help me with this, I will gladly welcome them.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Catching Up part 1: Missy's Family Goes to Washington
Well, hi!
This has been a very busy last few weeks and I have so much to tell you all, that I'm going to have to break it up into segments, or chapters, if you will. The following chapter will describe our trip to Washington D.C.
My son has been wanting to visit Washington since he was 6 years-old and his aunt went and brought him a book. He memorized the memorials and monuments before he ever visited, and I promised we would go when he was ten. Well he turned eleven a few weeks ago, so I figured we'd been haul rear and go. So, Memorial Day weekend we packed up our trusty Saturn and drove the 8 hours to Washington D.C. (personally, I suggested Memorial Day weekend might be a bad idea, and terribly crowded, buy the love of my life insisted it was the best weekend for him.) It was actually a relatively nice trip - the scenery was quite lovely. We made a wrong turn just before getting into the city, and ended up driving through Alexandria, but the trip was only extended by an hour, and we got to see the Pentagon and the monuments driving into the city, which was nice.
We found a spot on the street by our hotel - score! We stayed at the Topaz, about a 15 minute walk from the White House. The hotel was lovely - not really child-friendly, but very friendly to my children, and very peaceful. It was perfect for a group not planning to do anything but sleep there. We walked to Ben's Chili Bowl for dinner that night - a restaurant we had seen on the Travel Channel (we are all about the food. You will see many descriptions of meals here.) I had the Chili burger - it was quite tasty. We also walked past Duke Ellington's house to get there. Pretty freaking cool. That was one of the things I loved most about D.C. You walk by all these obscure old buildings and they end up being something important or interesting: The Embassy to Micronesia or the Association for Middle Eastern Peace or something.
Saturday we walked to the White House and Annika informed us the President lives there, can we go see him? I'm pretty sure he wasn't home, or he would have invited us in for breakfast. As it was, we ate at the Cafe du Parc, a fab old French place. A little pricey, but the berries were delish. We walked through the gardens behind the Smithsonian Castle, visited the Air and Space Museum, the Lincoln Memorial and the WWII Memorial. I took a lot of pictures, here are a few:
We walked back to the hotel, completely wiped. We decided to sup at a place just a few blocks from the hotel; Mai Thai. The whole family gave it two thumbs up - and these are kids who have not eaten a lot of Thai.
Sunday we started walking toward the Mall area again. We decided to just look for somewhere to eat breakfast, and ended up at the Old Ebbit Grill. The oldest saloon in Washington, apparently. The cool part is that it is right next door to the tavern where British generals toasted one another as they watched the White House burn during the War of 1812 (my son isn't the only history buff.) The other cool part is they made one fantastic hamburger, and they served it to me at 9AM.
From there we walked to the Museum of Natural History. We saw the dinosaurs and the Hope Diamond. I would have liked to explore the geology exhibit a bit more, but honestly, the museums were so packed, we couldn't read an entire display without getting shoved out of the way. So we left there and visited the place I wanted to go more than anywhere else: The National Archives. We stood in line for a long time. Luckily, however, the outdoor line was entertained by a 3 hour parade of motorcyclists. Apparently this is a Memorial Day thing - thousands of motorcyclists, with POW MIA flags flying, riding down Constitution and around the national monuments. It kept the kids interested for the 45 minutes outside, but unfortunately there was nothing to keep them interested inside, where Monkeybutt continued to remind me that we were just here to see "pieces of paper." I lectured him on how these were not paper, but parchment, and they were the most important parchments in the history of our nation. He didn't shut up, but I did get to see my pieces of parchment. We walked to the Capitol Building, my other favorite, but they were packed and we didn't get to go in there. I took lovely pictures though:
We walked on to a carousel in the middle of the mall, which perked the kids up a bit. Monkeybutt offered to carry the Girl Child with whiny feet on his back - as long as he could, anyway. Then we went on to the Jefferson Memorial. My very favorite of the Memorials - not only because it is so beautiful, sitting off the tidal basin like it does, but also because I have always admired Thomas Jefferson. After climbing up to it, and looking around, we walked back across the bridge and rented a peddle boat. My knee was bothering me (I may have done something stupid and jumped from something high) and the boys offered to pedal we girls around. The Girl Child and I just sat back and looked purty - and I took lots of pictures of the Memorial from the water.
We walked back to the hotel in much better spirits than earlier, and we ate at California Pizza Kitchen, which is not at all interesting, but we always liked it when we lived in Illinois and there are none around here. We went to bed with the understanding that we would try to be out of the city by 8AM the next day. We checked out at 7:30, well on our way to our goal. We walked to the car, which had been parked safely right down the street from our hotel, which was in a very safe area - and found the rear driver's side window smashed. Happy Birthday to my Studmuffin (did I mention it was his birthday?) He got to spend the next hour vacuuming glass and taping cardboard over the window, while I cleaned out the car. The hotel staff were very lovely about talking to my kids and feeding them breakfast, on their dime. I really have to give that hotel high marks - even with the smashed window. It could have been much worse, it really was little more than an inconvenience, and mildly amusing when you consider how very disappointed that criminal must have been when he or she found nothing to steal but stale Goldfish crackers, beef stick wrappers, some dirty stuffed animals and paged through comics, and an old Gameboy, not worth the energy to try and sell it. Here is a picture of our most interesting souvenier - our smashed and covered window:
In a future chapter, I will discuss the last few weeks of school, my birthday (yesterday), and the opening of a good friend's business...
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