I do love me some chick time. Last night my mom, sister and I attended an all-night crop with a bunch of girlfriends. I finished a buttload of pages, got some new ideas, and all, but the best part was having chickies to chat with all night. Well, until I went to bed at 3:30AM, anyway.
It's amazing how much my life has changed since we moved here from Chicago. Back there I was one of the youngest moms, I had less money and experience, no career background...I always felt...silly and immature...with the other women I met. I had one really close friend and the wench moved to Texas just as we were getting really close (oh yeah, I'm talking about you, Jody.) I had my family there, of course, but no real girlfriends and I was wicked lonely all the time. I'm not looking for pity, truly; I obviously didn't know how to put myself out there and make those connections.
When we moved here, though, I had no family, no hometown to fall back on. I had to build my connections, I had no choice. So I joined e-mail groups. I found my MOM'S Club. The girls in on of my groups taught me to scrapbook, which led me to more friends. I became very close with my sweetheart neighbor across the street, who has introduced me to some amazing women (the ones I was with yesterday). And now I have these incredible women in my life - people I can lean on and who I can support if they need me. I rarely feel lonely anymore.
Something interesting, though...I notice that I have few guy friends. I mean, I'm friendly with my friends' husbands and all, but this former "guy's girl", the chick with way more male friends than female, has no close male friends, other than one guy from high school, my brother, and my husband. I wonder if this is a natural occurance when one is married, or do we tend to need our girlfriends more as we get older? I don't know, but I really don't miss that male companionship at all. I like men, don't get me wrong, but I don't long for their company like I do for my girlfriends'. Huh.
Ok, this has rambled long enough...I'm just feeling lucky and fulfilled...and very very tired. So to all my homies out there that read this: Thank you. I am lucky just to know you. And I love you all.