Not really. It's been a little while since my last glass of wine. Like, 1 1/2 hours. The Blackhawks just won. Good for them, right?
Are you on Goodreads? 'Cuz if you're not, you should be. Seriously, where are you? I need your book recommendations. I have been reading like a crazy person lately. My last few have been relatively depressing, so on with the cheerful book recommendations.
When I was about 10, I saw the movie Spacecamp. I loved that freaking movie. I wanted to go to Spacecamp so badly it hurt. I never got to go, but I probably laid on the grass and said "I'm goin' up. I am." more than once, because I am a big nerd. I spent 6 years wanting to be an astronaut, way beyond the usual kid dreams. I was outside for awhile this evening, by myself, without my family even noticing I was out there, and watching the stars coming out, and thinking about that.
Tate Donovan, Lea Thompson, Kelly Preston, and, who is that? why yes, it is Leaf, I mean Joaquin! Phoenix. You just can't go wrong with this cinematic gem. "Jinx and Max, friends, forever."
I have lots I've been thinking about, but my thoughts are not exactly clear right now. My son graduated from high school today, and I feeling a little fuzzy, so I'm going to bed. Good night, sleep tight, we'll chat soon...
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Ha! Look at that! We didn't get all the way to a month this time. But as I sit here, listening to bizarrely soothing videos of women talking about brushing hair and massaging feet, and buying shoes for my shoe-loving Bigfoot of a daughter, I realized that the next several weeks are going to be...full. Not necessarily stressful, but very full. Softball tournaments, book clubs, a wedding, a pretty major birthday or son is graduating from high I mention softball?
I feel this picture of teacup kittens helps me make the transition to my next topic.
I hear you all asking, "So Missy! How goes the healthy journey?!" Well I'll tell you, friends, I have been quite the lazy girl as of late. A few weeks ago, I did participate in the Flying Pig Relay. About 6.5 miles. I walked most of it, although I ran more than I thought I could. It was hot. I probably should have eaten ahead of time. Anyway, my point is, it was kind of hard.
Here I am, at the end. I felt so accomplished that apparently, I don't have to ever eat healthfully or exercise again. This week, I didn't wake up and go to boot camp even once. I kept on thinking, "I am so tired. I need more sleep. Sleep is more important." But, even with more sleep, I was still feeling horrible and tired. And, being the big-brained individual I am, I finally arrived at the conclusion that living on white cheddar popcorn and pepsi and no exercise will probably continue to exhaust me. This morning I met with my beloved boot camp guru and we discussed goals and maintaining accountability. And then, this evening, I asked a group of friends on Facebook to jump on this with me. Ooh, and I read this blog called Runs for Cookies, (Isn't Katie adorable?) Anyway, I love those photo-a-day challenges, and this one looks like fun:

I love this - what fun! Obviously, we're already halfway through the month, but why not just jump in now. The goals I set up with Mel today were:
1. Gain muscle
2. Lose fat (we have an Inbody machine to measure these things. I will do new measurements on Monday.)
3. Attend boot camp at least 3 times each week
4. Drop the pop, again (my nemesis)
5. Stop eating from boredom
I would like to add daily food tracking and drinking 100 oz of water
These are not new, but I need a back to basics kind of push. stay tuned for pictures this month!
I've read some good books over the past month - I reread The Giver. I forgot how good that was. So I went ahead and read the rest of the series. The rest of the books aren't as good, but they do give closure. I've also been working my way through my Goodreads To Read list - reserving books from the list at the library and picking up stacks at a time. I don't really understand why all of the people in my life can't just let me read all the time. Is anything at work really worth interrupting my reading? I think not.
It's late, and I must be going to bed. Before I go, I want to show you something I found on Etsy that I must own, as this is, for some reason, one of my favorite things to say:
Perhaps I will gift it to myself for achieving my goals. Or, my birthday is only 2 weeks away...
I feel this picture of teacup kittens helps me make the transition to my next topic.
I hear you all asking, "So Missy! How goes the healthy journey?!" Well I'll tell you, friends, I have been quite the lazy girl as of late. A few weeks ago, I did participate in the Flying Pig Relay. About 6.5 miles. I walked most of it, although I ran more than I thought I could. It was hot. I probably should have eaten ahead of time. Anyway, my point is, it was kind of hard.
Here I am, at the end. I felt so accomplished that apparently, I don't have to ever eat healthfully or exercise again. This week, I didn't wake up and go to boot camp even once. I kept on thinking, "I am so tired. I need more sleep. Sleep is more important." But, even with more sleep, I was still feeling horrible and tired. And, being the big-brained individual I am, I finally arrived at the conclusion that living on white cheddar popcorn and pepsi and no exercise will probably continue to exhaust me. This morning I met with my beloved boot camp guru and we discussed goals and maintaining accountability. And then, this evening, I asked a group of friends on Facebook to jump on this with me. Ooh, and I read this blog called Runs for Cookies, (Isn't Katie adorable?) Anyway, I love those photo-a-day challenges, and this one looks like fun:

I love this - what fun! Obviously, we're already halfway through the month, but why not just jump in now. The goals I set up with Mel today were:
1. Gain muscle
2. Lose fat (we have an Inbody machine to measure these things. I will do new measurements on Monday.)
3. Attend boot camp at least 3 times each week
4. Drop the pop, again (my nemesis)
5. Stop eating from boredom
I would like to add daily food tracking and drinking 100 oz of water
These are not new, but I need a back to basics kind of push. stay tuned for pictures this month!
I've read some good books over the past month - I reread The Giver. I forgot how good that was. So I went ahead and read the rest of the series. The rest of the books aren't as good, but they do give closure. I've also been working my way through my Goodreads To Read list - reserving books from the list at the library and picking up stacks at a time. I don't really understand why all of the people in my life can't just let me read all the time. Is anything at work really worth interrupting my reading? I think not.
It's late, and I must be going to bed. Before I go, I want to show you something I found on Etsy that I must own, as this is, for some reason, one of my favorite things to say:
Perhaps I will gift it to myself for achieving my goals. Or, my birthday is only 2 weeks away...
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