Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Days 23 and 24, oh my goodness, friends

Let me clarify, I did not eat cheeseburgers today. I did have pizza for lunch, and it was freaking delicious. This meme is more in response to yesterday, where my team and I had to drive up to Columbus for a day long meeting. In theory, this is not a problem; in fact I appreciate leadership getting everyone together. However, I felt the training was run by people who really did not know the material well enough to teach it. A good portion of the information in the morning really had little to do with the coordinators, and anytime we shared input, we felt blown off (we're kind of the ground floor positions.) And then we go back to hundreds of emails and have to catch up on the work we missed. And so does everyone else, my point here is just that it was stressful. On top of that, I had no time to work out yesterday, at all. I didn't get home until 8pm. And the night before, my girl got sick, and there was cleaning and grossness to deal I'm driving over the river, and I have been thinking about Whoppers for the past two weeks after listening to The Talisman by Stephen King on audio, and they talked about eating Whoppers, and I was so hungry, and I stopped for a Whopper. And damn, I forgot how much I liked Whoppers. Yeah, it was good. I did not feel great, though. In fact, I felt downright ick. Fast food does not, apparently, agree with me. I knew I had issues with McDonald's, but there goes the Whopper.

It was tasty.

Anyway, I went into work today, and everyone was feeling kind of...blah. I was dead tired, and still feeling a bit ick. The others were tired and feeling kind of raw, and I felt like we needed to do something about it, so I got pizza for lunch, and made everyone take lunch together, and it was nice. And I took a couple of walks around the building, because the weather was insanely gorgeous. My friend and I were supposed to go to yoga together, but traffic was bad, and I didn't plan well enough, so neither of us were able to meet at the studio. I went to the gym instead, and I worked really hard (although I was a little discombobulated, since I hadn't planned my strength workout for the day,) and I definitely felt better after that. I made one of my soups for dinner to make up for the pizza, and I'm feeling pretty good now, although I really do need to clean. Tomorrow night I have to work until 8? something like that, so I'll have to try and get a workout in tomorrow morning, or maybe at lunch? I'll reapply deodorant, I promise. And then, glorious Friday...I'm off work...lalalala! I'll take pictures and post them here, I promise.

Reason for working late tomorrow - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is coming up in October. We have walks all over the country, but the Cincinnati event is on Saturday, October 26 at Yeatman's Cove, and we are having our kick-off event tomorrow evening at Fueled Collective on Edwards Rd. If you have any interest in helping raise money for breast cancer research, please come out, or, if you have any questions, please let me know.

I'm going to drink tea and watch Schitt's Creek now, because that sounds delightful. Have a good night.

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