Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Posting during the pandemic, part 1

The world is crazy right now, and I hope you are all healthy, and dealing with our current situation with comfort and humor. What the hell, right? I've been working from home for the past week, and that has been interesting. The lack of commute has added to my free time, so that's been nice. And I can work in my work out clothes, so I can work out during my lunch. Also nice. I miss my sweet coworkers, though, and my printer, and my routine. And if there is one thing we anxious nutjobs require, it's routine.

So I've been trying to create a bit of a routine here. Sleeping a little later (and that has been lovely,) getting dressed (in workout clothes.) I did realize, during a conference call, that I need to wear a bra for work. They like us to use our webcams. Anyway, I make sure I get my workout each day. That is the most important part of keeping my sanity, which is necessary to the whole household, right? Exercise, endorphins, not shooting my husband...
Anywho, Finnegan has decided to sit on my arms again, making it difficult to type. Silly Finny.

Wanna hear a little something ironic? Remember last time I wrote, I mentioned I had been losing some weight, and if I got under the next big important number, I would get my hair cut and colored? I hit that number! Last Tuesday. The day Kentucky closed all the salons. Yup. Fantastic, right?

But actually it is kind of fantastic, and physically I'm feeling pretty fantastic.

I do need to work on the stress eating, though. I did, admittedly, eat ice cream for breakfast this morning. Which I do very occasionally, as ice cream and coffee is one of my favorite treats. But I won't tomorrow. I am watching my way through Arrested Development, which helps, and I ordered two cross stitch kits. I need to learn something new (I've never cross stitched before; I hear this is an easy skill to learn, and I need to do something creative.)

What are you doing to deal with the stress of our current situation? Love and light to you all. Stay healthy.

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