Friday, February 19, 2016

Days 19 and 20

Hey, lookie there, friends! My first crocus of the year! I planted these bad boys 10 years ago, and I have not killed...all of them.

Food for the last two days:
Thursday food: Chili, coffee with splash of almond milk; berries, chicken, broccoli and cauliflower, potatoes with ghee; more berries (really should lay off the berries), chicken, potato,spinach soup.

Friday food: Coffee with almond milk, chicken, potato, spinach soup, banana; broccoli and cauliflower, apple with almond butter, kombucha; chicken, potato spinach soup, orange.

Yesterday workout - boot camp, today workout - rest day. Very sore rest day :)

I just went to see Deadpool with the husband. I enjoyed it immensely. Definitely not for kids, especially not ten year old kids sitting in front of me. Not even for some adults. But good for me.

Happy weekending!

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