Wednesday, April 22, 2015

And, another month goes by...

My husband put on an X-Files episode - one of the good, alien abduction episodes. I had forgotten how spooky this show could be. 

Of course, you all already know Fox is doing a limited run of new episodes. So very cool. My first Simpsons episode was the X-Files episode. I still love that episode. "Look at this Scully. There's been another unsubstantiated UFO sighting in the heartland of America. We've got to get there right away!"

I have spent the last month driving my daughter all over Guam and back for volleyball and softball in the evenings and weekends. Her volleyball team played in its last tournament in Louisville this past weekend; they did relatively well, 3rd place. The Girl and I had a great time during our non-volleyball hours - we ate dinner at Mark's Feed Bag and did some unhurried shopping at Target. I may be the last person to discover Mark's Feed Bag, but oh my, it was good barbecue. Lovely, unstressed time together, which is rare for us.

My boy is going to be graduating in a month. We did the required studio senior pictures to go in the yearbook, but we did not buy any (they were insanely expensive, and my son never looks like that.) So on Easter, I took a few pictures of him and the two of them. They are not great shots, but they definitely look like my kids.

See that he is not wearing the tuxedo top and dickie. He is wearing his favorite t-shirt - "Keep Calm and Carry a Towel." Gold star sticker to you who gets the reference.

Of course, boot camp is still happening. We've recently moved outside for the mornings with good weather. My weight has been going the wrong direction, entirely because of my poor food choices. So last week I tried Tosca Reno's Cooler 1 plan - very little sugar, very little fat, so very much protein, lots of veggies. I like veggies, but I found I dislike an awful lot of protein sources - I don't like fish or eggs, and we were not allowed beans. I got really sick of chicken and turkey, really quickly. I did 3 days, but stopped after. A lot of my boot camp friends are feeling great on this plan (it is a short term plan,) but I am apparently not ready. I definitely need to decrease my sugar intake. 

Look, another spooky skies picture. Ok, this one I took, featuring the sunset, the moon, and my smelly butt pear trees. 

It's time for bed now. I will have to chat with you again soon - lots going on. Night!